Ability-based technologies.
Ability-based solutions.
ABT stands by MyControl as the most accessible bathing system for people with disabilities and mobility concerns in the world. Representing a revolutionary advancement in bathing technology, its innovations in electronic and mechanical engineering are a result of ABTs mission to design a product that can continually adapt to its user’s ability. This remarkable system pushes the boundaries of assistive technology, empowering users and enabling them to bathe more independently within their own homes.
MyControl operates through the use of advanced electronics
MyControl uses electronics to control things like operation of water flow, the whirlpool, water safety, voice and sound control, the drain and so on. See each feature of Mycontrol to learn more about how electronics plays a part.
Accessible Bath Technologies, LLC Introduces New designs and features
Enhanced Hinge Design: New curve design and hinge joints – completely new look!
- New touch key pad design
- Enhanced individual touch control pads
- Enlarged individual function touch pads
- Backlighting – Brilliant blue
- Individual touch pads are in braille
- Link multiple touch control pads
- New touch key pad mounting design
- ABT “AT-Link lets you program features to suit your specific requirements and comfort level.
- Multiple touch key pads can be daisy chained together.
Increased independence and individualize preference adjustment
- Adjust and personalize MyControl timer settings with a laptop or other compatible media devices
- MyControl Icon is automatically placed on a desk top at upload
- Direct connection to MyControl electronic control module via Blu Tooth technology
- Virtual touch control pads available for ease of programming and for making service adjustments.
- Virtual Key Pads for wireless remote bather assist capability

MyControl offers ABT’s “AT-LINK”. Open the downloaded software and the MyControl panel allows for individualized function customization using slide-icon boxes.
AT-LINK is extremely useful to adjust operation to a particular ability or accommodate or adjust to a bather’s size and age.
Blu-tooth Connectivity – Connect the MyControl Controller box to any windows-based computer to utilize programming capabilities.
MyControl is shipped with general use settings in place. Use the ABT “AT-Link” feature to control the following:
- Connect/disconnect Icon
- Close panel Icon
- View status – shows status of the door and water level in exact inches and feet ( -0.02, etc.). This feature appears on the screen as a separate box that can be moved around the screen.
- Door open duration
- Cleaning mode duration
- Sanitize duration
- Seal fill time
- seal drain time
- Drain water level
- Whirlpool water level
- High water level
- Water timer
- Whirlpool timer
Download the ABT Control Panel software and you are ready to go!
View status – shows status of the door and water level in exact inches and feet ( -0.02, etc.). This feature appears on the screen as a separate box that can be moved around the screen.
Virtual Key Pads appear on your tablet or mobile device for wireless remote bather assist capability.